1 生产厂家:美国MTS系统公司
Manufacturer: MTS Systems Corporation, USA
2 技术指标Specifications:
最大载荷Maximum Load:250KN
最大静载Maximum static load:250KN
最大动载Maximum dynamical load:200KN
最大扭距 Maximum torque:2000Nm
频率范围Frequency ranges:0-30Hz
Test temperature:Normal Temperature -1000℃
3 设备功能Functions of equipment:
Static tensile test (Normal temperature and high temperature)
2) 静态扭转试验(常温和高温)
Static torsion test (Normal temperature high temperature)
3)断裂力学试验 Fracture mechanics Test
(1)预制疲劳裂纹Pre-crack fatigue test
(2)裂纹扩展速率试验 Fatigue Crack growth rates test
(3)金属材料平面应变断裂韧性测试 Testing of plain strain fracture toughness of metallic materials
Testing of ductile fracture toughness JIc of metallic materials
4) 疲劳寿命曲线测试(常温和高温)
Testing of fatigue life curves (Normal temperature high temperature)
(1) 拉压疲劳试验 Tension and compression fatigue test
应力控制和应变控制Stress control and strain control
(2) 扭转疲劳试验 Torsion fatigue test
应力控制和应变控制Stress control and strain control
(3) 拉扭组合疲劳试验 Tension-torsion fatigue test
应力控制和应变控制Stress control and strain control
5) 整体构件疲劳试验 Fatigue test of the integral components